The sooner you call, the sooner we can help. (843) 881-1399
Get a FREE case Evaluation!How We Can Help You

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI benefits provide income to a disabled person who meets the financial requirements of the Social Security System.
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Widow/Widowers Disability Benefits
These benefits are designed for the spouse of a deceased person who was insured under the Social Security system.
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Regular Disability Benefits (DIB)
If you have worked and paid enough Social Security taxes and you are disabled, you may be entitled to regular benefits.
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At Milton English & Whitten, We’re Focused on YOU
After becoming disabled, life takes time to accept and adapt to. All your daily routines, future plans and long-term goals are drastically affected. You may be suffering from pain, experiencing signs of depression, unable to work and you are now struggling financially to support you and/or your family. In addition, you now have to understand and possibly fight with a large government bureaucracy - the Social Security Administration. That's where Milton English & Whitten, an experienced Charleston disability law firm can guide and help you fight your way through this system. When you partner with Will Milton English, Bea Whitten and their team to handle your case, the mission is to help you get the benefits and compensation you need and fully deserve. You will be professionally represented at Social Security hearings, which can help your case dramatically. Our team knows the forms, the processes and the laws concerning disabled persons. Our Charleston disability attorney has handled numerous cases over the past 30+ years, making close relationships with the Social Security judges, local doctors and hospitals, and even the people who work for South Carolina's Social Security offices. That's where Milton English & Whitten, a trusted and dedicated Charleston disability attorney, can help you make your case.
Let Milton English & Whitten Be Your Advocates
When it comes to making a claim for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration and its employees are not your friends. The agency has plenty of honest, hardworking people, but it also has plenty of bureaucrats who care more about collecting their paycheck and their government benefits than about helping you. Add to that the fact that the government’s rules are designed to make it difficult for nearly everyone to collect disability benefits – even if you are disabled and cannot work. The bottom line is that even the honest, diligent employees sometimes are not allowed to pay someone who they know is disabled.
The Social Security Administration’s game is to deny your claim, and, indeed, all claims are denied the first time you apply. A majority of claims also are denied after you appeal the first denial. After the second denial, you are allowed to have a hearing before an administrative law judge who works for Social Security. This is where your attorney and advocate can do you the most good, and this is where most disabled people finally are able to claim their benefits.
Milton English & Whitten - Attorneys Dedicated To Social Security & Disability in Charleston and Across South Carolina
Practicing law is about helping people. Will and his team are genuine and are passionate about helping our sick or injured clients win their benefits they fully deserve. Our goal at Milton English & Whitten is to help you with a reliable monthly income and medical benefits.
We’re Charleston Disability Attorneys Who Can Help at Any Stage
Milton English & Whitten assists disabled individuals at any stage in the disability claims process. You can contact Will Milton English and his team if you are considering applying for disability or if your claim has been denied previously. Our Charleston disability attorneys work with these cases at all levels, including federal District Court appeals after you’ve been turned down following a hearing before an administrative law judge. Find out how Will Milton English, an experienced disability lawyer in Charleston and his staff can help you today by calling (843) 881-1399, sending an email to or requesting an appointment by clicking here!
Milton English & Whitten - Local, Trusted and Experienced Social Security Disability Lawyers
With over 30 years of practice, our firm has been fortunate enough to attract and retain some very talented employees. All of our paralegals hold associate degrees in paralegal training from Trident Technical College, which has well recognized, ABA accredited program.
We have learned the best ways to shepherd a disability case through a complex Social Security system. At Milton English & Whitten, we are consistently refining our methods and adapting to changes in law, policy and process.
Some of our practices include the use of the Amicus case management system. This means that nearly every piece of information about every case is entered into our computer system. Every person who works on that case has that information at his or her fingertips at any time. This enables us to respond quickly to client inquiries and Social Security employees alike. We have been a part of the PACER system of electronic filing with the Federal District Court since its inception.
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